Sorry its been so long, I was in the height of our Scholastic Bowl season (which has been awesome, I have the
privilege of coaching the best team anyone could ask for). We have our conference championship tomorrow, then will have to see how
Regionals goes, but I have managed to get a few things done. I
If you like minis, you will love this, these are all the new
breyer pebbles/LB size resins I just got. So these guys will show in the CM division! Its not easy getting them off the bases, but they look like totally different horses without them.
First up is the
ASB. This model is stunning by itself. I took him off the base and
re sculpted the front feet to have pads and long toes. He will have clear pegs in his two hind hooves to make his gait correct. I refined the ears and removed the logo. I am planning on dappled palomino....$300

arab needed her ears redone, so now they are flipped back and entirely new. I added to her mane and tail and
re sculpted her nostrils. I am thinking light dappled grey $275

The stock horse is just fantastic conformation wise. I removed him from the base and redid his ears.
Grulla paint for this guy $325

This one got a real redo, the TB had a rather flat neck, so he got a total redo, new ears, new tail, off the base, now a snotty
Akhal Teke mare! $350 golden metallic dun.

Here is
Khemonahar Ali, now a silver buckskin
morab. Still needs his mane and tail shaded, but he will be going to the show this weekend. I did not get an
spanish mini yet, in that box was a
ASB!!!!!! I was very disappointed with the mix up, hopefully the dealer straightens it out. I am curious to see if anyone else has that happen where the box is for one resin but there is a different one inside.

More later with week when they are painted, in progress right now, hope you like them!