Sunday, March 20, 2011

Show for the Cure

Sadly, if you want to see a lot of good pictures from the Show for the Cure, check out Jen Buxton's blog since I didnt get very many! I did get a picture of the girls all done before we left. They did both sell at the show, but I will be offering more. The next one will be a more drastic neck movement into performance prospect!

I did get a picture of these two with some of their overall awards and division awards. I have decided to keep the Sorraia, thank you so much to all that asked about her! The big Lusitano is sold as well. He also got champs at the show, but apparantly I didn't get a picture, but I know Jen did!

Whoops, didn't mean to do this twice...but I can't say enough of how much I love this mold!!!


Unknown said...

Wow...those Weather Girls are fantastic! This mold is definitely going to take showing plastics up to a whole nother level.
Can't wait to see what you do with the next one!

Elizabeth said...

Lookin' good, Tiff.

I left you a tile on your table at the show, while you were up in the hotel room. Hopefully you got it and enjoy it. I think it will be the devil to paint, hahaha!! :D