This is one of my favorite models right now. Zips Painted Chic, a lady phase remade by me and painted by D'Arry. She really is suppose to be a sales horse, but unless its a good offer I plan to show her to death! She won in halter, english, and in the other performance division. There was a gentleman there interviewing people for an article on the Bentlys (of Bently's Sale Co) and he took a bunch of pictures of her, so I hope she gets into the article! One thing I noted is that stock horses show with the point of the shafts much further back than other breeds. I could have slid them back further but it looks strange to me. Any of you stock horse people know why this is? I assume it has something to do with headset and shoulders.....look on google images of stock horse pleasure driving to see what I mean.

A bunch of performance winners. It was a busy day!

These are all mine, granted it was a small performance show but I am still happy with the wins!

I know I already posted plenty of pictures of Gizette, but can you believe that Jen isn't going to get a pink doll to go with her???? really is there any other color?????

Okay enough silliness, here is the QH custom. This is SUCH a fun horse to show. She is a mirror (opposite direction) of Oktopussy, which is also, a great performance horse. I had made her just to campaign to take to NAN in 2011, but there is no way I am going, so she is for sale. She is NANd in halter, western, and other performance if anyone is interested please email me. Price $600 postage paid. Here she is with her extreme cowboy shooting set up, minus the targets

Here she is in barrels. I showed this as a ranch horse versatility entrant since she has her heavier work saddle on.

Okay the last few are from the other show, sorry I reloaded them by accident and can't get them to delete! I will be posting some neat mini customs for sale in the next two weeks that I am taking to the Meows and Minis show, so tune back in for details!
Dang, I wish I could have gotten down there for that show. Maybe in November when they have another one... But thanks for posting all your performance pictures! So much to look at! My favorite, of course, is your arena trail entry with that nice gate. ;)
The buckskin paint is really lovely - I can definitely see why you wouldn't want to part with her! Cool that she might be in the article!
I love all your performance pictures! But I love performance and looking at performance set-ups. I agree, Jen should get a pink doll for her Gizette. Everybody needs dolls ☺
Anne! The light blue youth doll you're making is for Gizette!!! I think she will look as pretty in blue as she does in pink.
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