Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I finally figured out what happened to Shannon..low level radiation exposure! It explains everything, so for you nerds out there this latest friendship tax payment is named
"Polonium 210"

Now this guy may have to stay with me. I did the coon jumping mule and other jumping models before, but not one that is jumping a smaller fence in stride. I wanted to be able to use him in everything, not just english classes or the more restrictive coon jump (they jump from almost a standstill so they take off in a more crouched position)

Can you guess what he is?


Danielle Feldman said...

Only a science teacher would name a model Polonium!

GWR said...

Cleveland Bay!

Anonymous said...

And only another science teacher can truly appreciate it! Especially one that's lived within the Chernobyl radius for a few years. *grin* Tiff, I think he's part Flash.

Chester's Mom said...

Tiff, he is a cutie! How about some Keltic in there?

PS> are you getting my emails? haven't heard back from you!