I worked on the camel mold, ran out of mold material, it should be here tuesday, the NAN piece will be getting its own press next week.

He is just shy of three, and stands 15.3 hands and is built like a truck. He is heavily Flyhawk bred, and has a wonderful neck which should only get better with age. I loved my arabian stallion I had, but I have to admit the baroque look to Lumi's neck is really want I want my horses to have. In a couple years he will be bred to my morab filly from my arabian stallion, whom I still have a breeding contract with his new owners (the arabian that is)

If only he wasn't backlit in this (above) pciture! Below he is chilly with his woman. I have always raised my stallion to breed only with a certain halter on, and they are always kept with bred mares, never isolated. The mares keep him in line and Lumi is a kitten to handle. He is totally submissive to female authority, if only we could do that to all men eh?

Then I went and got Payton, Julia was at grandma's...Payton loves to help do chores, and she found Lumi's bridle path hair very entertaining! His hair is really neat, completely different than palomino white hair. His hair is really wavy and will rope up if left uncombed. Its not hard to imagine that Morgans have some Friesian in there somewhere.