Sunday, October 10, 2010

Remaking Progress

The hubby and I took the girls to an indoor water park hotel last night, and as you can see, not only is Daddy wore out, B was a little stressed being by herself last night. The night off was well spent, since I have a feeling I will be up on foal watch tonight. My purebred arabian mare is waxed up and hopefully Lumi's first baby (my cremello stallion) will be here soon!

So only a week till the show, and I am down to markings and details. Here is the gizelle in her silver dapple pinto. I plan to show her as a morgan/paint cross.
The Esprit is my favorite. This fawn buckskin paint is so strange looking in the cups, and it takes about 30 layers of different colors to get this final result, but I am so glad I did this instead of the apricot dun going grey. I love that color too, but I want to always try new things and strive to improve on technique.

Here you can kinda see how I curled the lip a bit, can't wait to get his eyeballs and mouth detailed for the final effect! The hardest thing with this remake was keeping the flowing mane intact yet moving the neck and head. The shoulder was the easy part, I just cut the whole top of the right shoulder out and replaced it. I know it seems like a lot of work and Esprits out there have sold for a ton without having it corrected, but I just couldn't stand it! I also filled in the deep muscle grooves in places to give them not such a harsh look.

Tomorrow I will post the pictures of the Dutch Harness and the Big Lick, thankfully I have a day off from school to get all this painting done, can't wait till next weekend and Cookeville Classic Live!


Anonymous said...

Tee hee! Looks like you used your day off well ;). LOVE the new critters and am very excited to hear about your new colored baby! (may you experience a healthy delivery... no pulling, no slopping in the vet calls...)

Urbangoatgirl said...

Baby yet???

Eva said...

Wow, that is a gorgeous Giselle! I like the dropped head.