Thursday, October 21, 2010


So this week after the show I have been slammed at work with quarter finals and teacher conferences. I ran home today after school to get the girls ready for the sitter since I had to come back into work tonight for conferences......I get home and look whats there! My palomino morab foaled, and its a chocolate palomino! This filly is so dark, darker than her mother and a snow white mane and tail already! I am just tickled silly, and the same matching blaze as CC

So of course, this is Dee Dee!!!!!!
Don't worry, no more foals this year and EE just doesn't have a ring to it. It would sound like a couple of nerds naming a foal after the exponetial key on the calculator
wait, we are a couple of nerds.......and if you don't know what that is, that means you are not a nerd so breath easy!


Unknown said...

LOL so funny.
What a cutie! Shes awful late though she missed spring and summer!

Anonymous said...

How about Pi? I mean really, try for a birth date around March 14 and you'd have the ultimate nerd horse ;). E is a nice number too!

Urbangoatgirl said...

Wow Tiffany what a great foaling season you've had! Two absolutely gorgeous fillies. I hope you keep posting pictures as they grow - I'm sure we would all enjoy seeing them!

Tiffany Purdy said...

Fall foals are so much easier here, its dry, and way less bugs!
I like the idea of Pi! I do need to figure out registered names eventually. Once the new one is a couple days old I will put the moms together and get a ton of pictures for everyone.

horseyK728 said...

Foals are too cute. How can you stand it? LOL