Saturday, May 8, 2010

Scarlet's new look

Well here she is with her new look. The hardest thing of remaking a resin like this is to make sure the new sculpted areas look like the old. The new hair is texture with the same ropey style as the original. I like the new look of the forelock being towards the near side. There are many Scarlets out there, so even if Jen wimps out of putting her in harness, she should stand out on the table...(oh crap, I still need some NAN tack......where is the delete button LOL)

The off side. Note how the bridle now lays flat behind the ear. I also filled in some of the harsher sculpted lines down her throat on that side. Not that I had to, but I thought it looked nicer
Now the crupper fits around her tail. She also has her mare parts under there. This way the harness can be properly tightened up much more so than sticky waxed on breeching

Don't ask, I still can't get pictures to delete.....oh well

And lastly a full body shot. The tail has the same texture as the original, but the new position does add just a hint more character, don't you think?
Now she just needs color!


Anonymous said...

Looking awesome as usual! Didn't see my note about you in my blog, eh? *evil grin*

Braymere said...

You can try all you want, but you just aren't going to get a smart comeback from me. I have spent the whole day cutting down my favorite tree. Nothing wimpy about that!

Seriously though, Scarlett looks awesome. I love, love, love the tail!

Tiffany Purdy said...

But was it a cherry tree?????
She is already in basecoat, turns out not going to the show was for the best, getting more stuff done
Better go check out shannon's blog, dont worry potato head, one of your horses is coming up next!

Anonymous said...

Potato head? POTATO HEAD? Must I remind you that we grow ROCKS up here in North Idaho? *sigh*

Nikki said...

Make her a blond chestnut... everyone LOVES a blond... LOL!